New York is “The City That Never Sleeps”, and also unsleeping are its lights and its energy, an energy famous for inspiring and giving life to new ideas and projects. It’s in this city, unique in the world, that there has come to life a movement that continues to evolve and expand, the movement of local lighting designers.
In fact the lighting scene in New York is exploding with young companies — many of them based in Brooklyn — that share certain traits in common: they do their production in-house, they use local suppliers, and they have a style that is new, winning, and easily recognizable.
For the most part these companies take modular geometrical forms and repeat them on a large scale, using materials such as brass and glass (of every shade, from opaque through smoked). The resulting fixtures are sculptural objects that impart character and energy, making any environment electrifying.
The pioneers and the most famous among these lighting designers are Lindsey Adelman and Jason Miller, the founder of the luxury lighting brand Roll & Hill, . Their success has encouraged other young designers to strike out on their own as well — such as Rosie Li and Bec Brittain, who worked for Adelman before opening a studio of her own — and today one can speak of a veritable community of lighting designers that is in continuous evolution.
When one contemplates the individual pieces they use in their fixtures, pieces that constitute true creations in their own right, one can almost feel the passion and enthusiasm that went into the complete lighting fixtures, the designers’ yearning to produce and experiment while collaborating among themselves and helping each other out.
It’s a movement that is already talked about overseas and will soon become famous worldwide. We’ll be keeping our eyes peeled!
New York è la città che non dorme mai, così come le sue luci e la sua energia, famosa per inspirare e dare vita a nuove idee e progetti. E’ in questa città unica al mondo che ha preso vita un fenomeno sempre piu’ emergente, quello dei lighting designer locali.
La scena del lighting a New York sta infatti esplodendo : si parla di giovani compagnie, molte based in Brooklyn, che hanno come trait d’union l’auto produzione, l’utilizzo di fornitori locali ed un’estetica nuova, vincente e riconoscibile.
Forme geometriche modulari, ripetute a larga scala, e materiali come l’ottone e il vetro, in tutte le sue sfumature, da opaco a fumè: il risultato sono oggetti scultorei che danno carattere e energia a qualsiasi ambiente, elettrizzandolo.
I pioneri e i piu’ famosi sono Lindsey Adelman e Jason Miller, fondatore di Roll & Hill, famoso marchio di luci di lusso. Il loro successo ha spinto altri giovani a mettersi in proprio , come Rosie Li e Bec Brittain ( che lavoro’ dalla Adelman per poi aprire un suo studio) e ad oggi si parla di una comunità, in continua evoluzione.
E’ come se dai loro pezzi, vere e proprie creazioni, si potesse leggere la passione e l’entusiasmo di tutto il lavoro che vi è dietro: la voglia di produrre, di sperimentare, collaborando e aiutandosi a vicenda.
Un movimento di cui se ne parla già oltreoceano e che è pronto a diventare worldwide…staremo a vedere!
1. Boom Boom Burst, Lindsey Adelman Studio
2. Superordinate Antler Sconce, Jason Miller for Roll & Hill
3. Helix floor light, Bec Brittain
4. Castle 9-01 , Jason Miller for Roll & Hill
5. Melbourne , Mary Wallis
6. Themis 68, Bec Brittain
7. Stella Triangle, Rosie Li
8. BB.08.03, Lindsey Adleman
9. Echo 3, Bec Brittain
10. Modo, Jason Miller for Roll & Hill
Clothes & accessories by Marc Jacobs