There’s truly something for every taste at Design Miami: famous designers and the largest maisons put out their very best for this exhibition, and the result is not to be missed. Passing contentedly among the stands one encounters great classics reinterpreted, sculpture works from recycled parts, and multi-sensory installations, just to name a few, and a lover of design simply couldn’t ask for more. The goal of the entire event is involvement, emotion, the future, but with the history of design ever present, and it is impossible not to be carried away by it all. Here you will find the crème de la crème, to be savored to the full!!
Ce n’e’ davvero per tutti i gusti al Design Miami: celebri designer e le piu’ grande maison danno il meglio di se’ a livello di esposizione, e il risultato è imperdibile. Grandi classici rivisitati, pezzi scultorei dai componenti riciclati, installazioni multisensoriali…è quello che si incontra fluttuando felicemente tra gli stand, e un appassionato di design non puo’ chiedere di piu’. Tutto è rivolto al coinvolgimento, all’emozione, al futuro, ma con la storia del design sempre presente: impossibile non rimanerne entusiasti. Ecco per voi la “Creme de la Creme”, da gustarsi per bene!!
Formlessfinder, Tent Pile pavilion for Design Miami
Swarovski Crystal Palace; Guilherme Torres’ “Mangue Groove”
Dalila in Lady Gaga for “Binary collection”
With the artist Benjamin Rollins Caldwell
Benjamin Rollins Caldwell, “Binary chair”
“Binary low table” detail: recycled computer component
Galerie BSL, Faye Toogood, “Cage Chair”
Galeria BSL, Faye toogood caged elements table
Giant Luciferase floor lamp by Nacho Carbonell
Nao Tamura, “Flow(t)”
Design Clock by Humans since 1982
Design Clock by Humans since 1982
Galerie Jaques Lacoste
Demisch Danant
Perrier-Jouët ,“phare” n º 1-9 di Heijdens Simon
François-Xavier Lalanne, “Moutons de Laine (group of 3)”, 1965/1974
Alessandro Mendini, “Poltrona gold”
Bird Bag by Atelier Ted Noten
“Peacock” chair, Rossana Orlandi
Limited edition chair by Gunjan Gupta