Los Angeles is an infinite surprise.
It’s an immense city, a city of perpetual springtime, a city where people live by dreams and hopes.
It’s a place to explore and grasp in a voyage amidst art, architecture, and film, a voyage delicately balanced between reality and fiction.
Strolling among the canals of Venice, bicycling along Ocean Front Walk with the Santa Monica Pier in the background, taking a spin among the hills of Beverly Hills and Bel Air — these are moments to live that become lasting memories.
Also not to be missed is the Griffith Observatory. From here one can look out over the entire city and sense its infinite extent. The feeling is thrilling: one feels small but at the same time part of an infinite expanse of dreams.
Los Angeles is the city of the stars, and anyone who isn’t yet a star lives to become one. The energy and enthusiasm are palpable everywhere and are part of what makes LA unique.
In terms of architecture, LA has pearls like the Walt Disney Concert Hall, by Frank Ghery, and the Eames Foundation’s Case Study House #8. The city’s museums — the J. Paul Getty Museum, the LACMA, and the MOCA — are considered among the best in the US. But gems of design are to be found all over, whether it be restaurants on famous Abbot Kinney Blvd. — such as Tasting Kitchen and Gjelina — or luxury hotels (the Mondrian, the W Hotel, the Beverly, and the Standard) or galleries downtown (Gallery All), just for starters.
As you might expect, Los Angeles is so immense that it would be impossible to list everything. Truly Los Angeles is to be lived and discovered!
“This is Hollywood, land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some don’t; but keep on dreamin’ – this is Hollywood.” (Pretty Woman)Los Angeles è una sorpresa infinita.
It’s an immense city, a city of perpetual springtime, a city where people live by dreams and hopes.
It’s a place to explore and grasp in a voyage amidst art, architecture, and film, a voyage delicately balanced between reality and fiction.
Strolling among the canals of Venice, bicycling along Ocean Front Walk with the Santa Monica Pier in the background, taking a spin among the hills of Beverly Hills and Bel Air — these are moments to live that become lasting memories.
Also not to be missed is the Griffith Observatory. From here one can look out over the entire city and sense its infinite extent. The feeling is thrilling: one feels small but at the same time part of an infinite expanse of dreams.
Los Angeles is the city of the stars, and anyone who isn’t yet a star lives to become one. The energy and enthusiasm are palpable everywhere and are part of what makes LA unique.
In terms of architecture, LA has pearls like the Walt Disney Concert Hall, by Frank Ghery, and the Eames Foundation’s Case Study House #8. The city’s museums — the J. Paul Getty Museum, the LACMA, and the MOCA — are considered among the best in the US. But gems of design are to be found all over, whether it be restaurants on famous Abbot Kinney Blvd. — such as Tasting Kitchen and Gjelina — or luxury hotels (the Mondrian, the W Hotel, the Beverly, and the Standard) or galleries downtown (Gallery All), just for starters.
As you might expect, Los Angeles is so immense that it would be impossible to list everything. Truly Los Angeles is to be lived and discovered!
“This is Hollywood, land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some don’t; but keep on dreamin’ – this is Hollywood.” (Pretty Woman)Los Angeles è una sorpresa infinita.
Una città immensa, dall’eterna primavera, dove la gente vive di sogni e di speranze.
E’ un luogo da esplorare e da capire, in un viaggio tra arte, architettura e cinema, sempre in bilico tra realtà e finzione.
Passeggiare tra i canali di Venice, andare in bicicletta sull’Ocean Front Walk con il Santa Monica Pier sullo sfondo, girare sulle colline di Beverly Hills e di Bel Air, sono momenti da vivere e che rimarranno impressi.
Imperdibile anche l’Osservatorio Griffith, punto da cui si vede tutta la città dall’alto, dove se ne percepisce la grandezza infinita: ci si sente elettrizzati, piccoli ma allo stesso tempo parte di un’immensa distesa di sogni.
Los Angeles è la città delle star, e chi non lo è vive per diventarlo: energia e entusiasmo sono palpabili ovunque, e fanno parte della sua unicità .
Ma oltre alla smania di emergere, ha anche un lato colto e raffinato.
Dal punto di vista architettonico regala perle come il Walt Disney Music Hall di Frank Ghery e la Eames Foundation con la Casa Studio #8, tanto studiata e finalmente vissuta; i musei sono considerati tra i migliori degli Stati Uniti ( J.P. Getty Museum , LACMA e MOCA), e il panorama del design spazia ovunque: dai ristoranti sulla famosa Abbot Kinney, come Tasting Kitchen e GJelina, che uniscono ottimo cibo ad un ambiente ricercato, agli Hotel di lusso (Mondrian, W Hotel, Beverly, the Standard), alle gallerie in Downtown (Gallery All) e a tanto altro ancora.
Come anticipato Los Angeles è una città talmente immensa che è impossibile elencare tutto…non vi resta solo che viverla e scoprirla!
“Questa è Hollywood, la città dei sogni. Alcuni si avverano…altri no. Ma continuate a sognare. Questa è Hollywood!”
Pretty Woman